Tuesday, November 13, 2018

The Scholastic Art & Writing Awards

If it's not already on your radar, you should all be aware of the The Scholastic Art & Writing Awards. This is a rare writing contest for high school students in that it has a wide range of categories to submit to. Your writing in this class could fit into one of at least two of the following categories, and if you're a creative writer or a journalist, you may have writing that fits into many or all of these:

Critical Essay
Dramatic Script
Flash Fiction
Novel Writing
Personal Essay & Memoir
Science Fiction & Fantasy
Short Story

If you're a graduating senior, you can also submit a whole Writing Portfolio.

The deadline in our region is December 1st, so you have some time to think about and prepare your work for submission. Be sure to choose your best writing, spend some time revising to make it even better, and proofread before you submit. Feel free to ask me for advice if you have any questions or need some guidance.

Visual artists, note that there are a number of art categoriesto check out, as well!

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