Monday, November 27, 2017

Reading for Tuesday, and a poll

Read one of the following essays for class tomorrow, and answer the questions below the essay in your notebook:

Shrouded in Contradiction” by Gelareh Asayesh

  • What new information or perspectives about the Islamic practice of women wearing hijab did this essay give you? 
  • Do you relate to the ambivalence Asayesh expresses toward wearing hijab? What in your life makes this relatable for you?
  • Consider this as a piece of writing. What is strong about it? Is there anything you would suggest to make it stronger?

This is What a Feminist Looks Like” by Barack Obama

  • What did you expect from this essay, based on the title and author? In what ways did the essay fulfill your expectations, and in what ways did it surprise you?
  • Did Obama's definition of and examples of feminism widen or challenge your definition of "feminism"? If so, how? If not, reflect on why your ideas and his might be so in accord.
  • Consider this as a piece of writing. What is strong about it? Is there anything you would suggest to make it stronger?

And please take this poll to decide which of the essays below we'll read for class next week:

David Foster Wallace, “Consider the Lobster
Alex Tizon, "My Family’s Slave"
Alan Burdick, “The Secret Life of Time
Kathryn Schulz, “When Things Go Missing

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