Monday, September 24, 2018

The power of the open letter

If you're interested in a discussion of the open letter as a form of political protest, "The Intimate, Political Power of the Open Letter" by Emily Nordi explores how the form has been used as a vehicle for literary activism by writers of color.

Open letters can also address more personal concerns, or can even be used to humorously raise issues with a colleagues, public servants, institutions, or nursery rhyme characters, as is sometimes the case in the various "Open Letters to People or Entities Who Are Unlikely to Respond" at McSweeney's Internet Tendency.

In the last few minutes of class, begin thinking about who or what you would write an open letter to if you could (or had to). Make a short list of what you might want to say in your open letter, and if you have time, begin drafting the first two or three paragraphs.

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