Friday, November 17, 2017

Sarah Vowell audio & thoughts on word choice

If you're interested in listening to the whole audio version of Sarah Vowell's Trail of Tears story, you can find it here at the This American Life website.

And––to follow up on our discussions about short words and zombie nouns––a few choice words regarding word choice:

“Compensation and remuneration say nothing that pay does not say better. Gift is more to the point than donationRoom will beat accommodation every time, as try will defeat endeavor. On the other hand, interface, parameter, viable, finalize and prioritize are typical of the voguish words that mask, rather than reveal, what it is we want to say.”–– Alden S. Wood

“Intermingling Saxon words with Latin ones gives language variety, texture, euphony, and vitality. The best writers match substance with form. They use language precisely, evocatively, even daringly. So we shouldn’t assume that Hemingwayan spartanism is the only desirable mode, unless we’re ready to indict T.S. Eliot, H.L. Mencken, Vladimir Nabokov, John Updike, Edmund Wilson, and many another masterly writer*”––Bryan Garner

(*including plenty of well-known women writers such as Virginia Woolf, Katherine Mansfield, Toni Morrison, and Rebecca Solnit)

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