Thursday, October 05, 2017

Directed writing for Thursday, October 5

First, we'll think a bit about lessons you took away from reflecting on your writing process.  (Including the always important reminder that it's alright to cry, as former NFL player and current Protestant minister Rosey Grier so eloquently sang.)

Then, directed writing. Using reconstructed direct quotation, recreate a conversation where you:

·      Learned something important about your family (or a member of your family) that you didn’t know before
·      Learned something important about a friend that you didn’t know before
·      Figured out something significant about yourself that you weren’t fully aware of
·      Suddenly found yourself liking or respecting someone more, or less.
·      Got some news that either made your day or ruined your day.

Choose two of the options above and write a brief dialogue where you recreate that conversation. Feel free to invent dialogue for yourself and for the other person, but be sure all the dialogue is true to the spirit of the conversation as you remember it. Each dialogue should fill at least one page and no more than two pages of your notebook.

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