Monday, August 21, 2017

Blogs by former Nonfiction Writing students, and other blogs

In class on Tuesday, please read at least three of the following posts for our discussion of personal blogs:

And here are more blogs to browse on your own, if you like, in addition to all the blogs from the fall of 2016 (which are currently still linked in the righthand sidebar of this blog). Clicking back to first posts might be interesting as you prepare to post to your Nonfiction Writing blog for the first time:

The Entropy Atlas    

Zen Demoiselle

The Flyway Truck Stop

Blinkered Blunderings

My Grandfather's Visage

And, if you're interested in the world of personal blogs outside of a school context, here are a few posts from blogs written by adult writers or (or in the case of the Rookie posts) young writers writing for a professional blog that you might explore:

Rookie by Various authors

Rookie is a professional blog that highlights the work of young (high school and college aged) women writers. Browse around for a wide array of voices and perspectives, but look out especially for posts by Uni High alum Lily Bralts-Kelly.

Candy Rant by Candy Rant

Candy Rant is a now-defunct pseudonymous, semi-monitized blog that was written by a Creative Writing teacher at a large state university. The writer, "Candy," typically writes about teaching, the humorous foibles of life, and her family, often with a fairly edgy but very human sense of humor. In these posts, Candy talks about her dad entering a nursing home (which Candy refers to as "Shiny Meadows") after his decline due to Alzheimer's Disease. The final post linked below ("Archipelago") explores the process of grief after her dad's death.

Headed to Indiana

Jinks and Beulah

If You're the Praying Kind


The Life of Dad by Brian A. Klems

This is a blog by a professional writer writing under his own name. Brian A. Klems is a journalist and auther of one parenting book. (Although his blog isn't monetized, he does advertise his book on his blog.) His posts tend to focus on parenting his four daughters, marriage and family life, and general life observations, all usually seen through a humorous lens.

Saying Goodbye, Part I: My Parents' House

DoctorMama by DoctorMama

DoctorMama is a physician in a major metropolitan area and the mother of one child, HB. She's also an avid runner She writes about being a mom, being a doctor, and running. Over time, her blog became, in part, an advice blog for beginning runners (whom DoctorMama affectionately refers to as "maggots.") Her blog is anonymous and is not monitized. It's currently seldom-updated, having gone the way of many personal blogs whose writers turned some of their online writing attention to other platforms like Twitter

Gender Bender Fender Benders

Listen Up, Maggots

The Problem with Lists

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